The Auction House wow power leveling

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The Auction House wow power leveling

Mesajgönderen diyi tarih 13 Kas 2009, 08:18

The Auction House wow power leveling

Farming herbs and doing daily quests is good enough for most people. Thatl earn you about 200 gold an hour thereabouts if youe good. You can make thousands of gold on the auction house with little startup cash but you can also lose your entire fortune. It like playing the stock maket.

Here is the basic principle. Spot something that is selling for less than what players will pay for it then buy all of that item up. Relist that item at a new price. You can now profit. However, you have to be careful. The AH takes a cut from your profit AND people will not always pay the new price.

Remember the basics of supply and demand. Anything that hard to get but needed will sell for a lot. Anything that easy to get but not needed won sell for much. Look at this basic principle. There isn a cheat sheet for it. Each server is different. Some servers have very few herbalist making herbs very expensive or some servers have very few raiders putting shards and crystals in high demand. Each micro-economy dictates what needed and when.

Earn Thousands of Gold Effortlessly

As most of you are aware, with recent patches Blizzard has decreased the amount of xp needed to level by 30%! This has lead to many players starting new characters and taking advantage of this. I as a raider my self, find it hard to find time to level up an alternate character between grinding for repair bills and raiding. But now with this increased leveling speed I and many of my raiding friends have started leveling up alts in our spare time, sometimes taking a day or two of raiding just to power level our alts.

Naturally to make leveling faster and more cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling Zereketh the Unbound wow power leveling Seed of Corruption - The same as the Warlock spell, cast on a random target in the group. Shadow Nova - This is a large AoE blast centered on Zereketh, that hits for about 2200 wow power leveling and does a long distance knock back. The AoE only effects those within about 30 yards and LoS, so can be avoided. Void Zone - Zereketh created void zones at random spots around the room, that appear as black holes on the floor. Anyone in the void zone will suffer about 1200 shadow damage per second. The fight mainly involves having the tank fight wow power leveling Zereketh with his back to the wall so that he can avoid getting knocked back. The best place is next to one of the corners in the room so that the DPS players can step aion power leveling around the corner as shadow nova is being cast to avoid the damage and knock back. The tank will also very likely need to move at least once during the fight as ljs1234561113 inevitably a void zone will be spawned where he wow power level is tanking.All ranged DPS and healers should stay at max range to avoid the shadow nova and be prepared to move if a void zone wow gold appears near them. Also since Seed of Corruption can not be dispelled it is best to spread out and to try to keep everyone at max health. Dalliah the Doomsayer Healing Debuff - Places a World of Warcraft Power Leveling very nasty debuff on the player with the most aggro (MT) that heals her as well as the player whenever they are healed. It is not dispellable.Whirlwind - What seems power leveling to be her favorite attack as she does this very often. Hits everyone in melee range for up to 3000 damage per tick. Heal - As soon as she is done her whirlwind wow powerleveling attack she will heal herself. It is a 2 second cast time though and interruptible. The fight is a timing based fight. The tank just needs to hold aggro and then when a whirlwind starts, everyone needs to clear out of range, including the tank.
efficient we are just buying all the best greens,blues,epics off the auction house so that we don't need to waste time instancing for gear.

So this brings me to the conclusion that the prices of useful blues and epics WILL definitely inflate enormously. I'm sure by now you have caught on to my money making scheme idea but for those who haven't here is it again:

1) One:Easier to level
2) Two:More people leveling up (mainly raiders and rich people)
3) Three:Want to buy items not instance for them
4) Four:Willing to pay a lot for blues and epics
5) Five:Price of current blues and epics about to go up a LOT.

Therefore I suggest you go to the auction house, and click sort by EPIC value and set the item level range to between 30 and 55. and if they are relatively priced and bid or buy them out, then either: keep them until you see a noticeable price increase over the next few weeks or immediately re-list them for 100 or so gold higher. (as in this is the normal average price for them, can use auctioneer for this but I am not going to explain auctioneer usage since there are tons of guides about it here on mmowned)

Here is an example.

I go to the auctioneer in one of my factions main cities E.G. Stormwind of Ogrimarr and I search all the items of EPIC value between the level range of 30 and 55.

I find a decent buy:

Hammer of the Northern Wind for 80 gold Bid, 120 gold Buyout
wow power leveling
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Mesajlar: 24
Kayıt: 12 Kas 2009, 05:40

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