Was WoW a great game?

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Was WoW a great game?

Mesajgönderen vigoss888 tarih 01 Eki 2009, 09:47

Was WoW a great game?

Blizzard, more likely Vivendi, includes in its 9 million the Asian market. As a fact of numbers and considering the guidelines to consider what an active account is in China, Lineage 2 outweighs WoW by a good 10 million “subscribers”. That being said, WoW wow gold jumped the shark about a month before their expansion, Burning Crusade, went live. So why so many more subscribers after? Simple, marketing makes miracles. I myself was in the beta back in 2004 and I admit to being in love with WoW. At the time, it was fresh, new and exactly what the MMO scene needed wow gold. It’s primary competitor of the time, EverQuest 2, was released a month or two prior and suffered due to that from the massive amounts of bugs and other issues from an incomplete product. After playing WoW wow gold for three years, as well as EQ2, I can honestly say that WoW has seen its height. Will the next expansion bring more players? I’ve no doubt it will. Will it bring some back? I’m sure it will as well. However, as I’m currently playing EQ2 and watching news on WoW, I see that my decision to leave was wow gold the correct one. The one major downfall of Blizzard in regards to WoW is the one thing that any other company would have gone of business because of… Customer Service. Or rather, in Blizzard’s case, lack thereof. I could personally recount no less 15 separate issues that Blizzard thumbed their nose to that I reported, both in and out of the game (forums) which showed blatant and clear disregard for policies. That does not include the myriad of other issues that I heard from guildies and various friends made while playing that had any number of issues occur and Blizzard all but blamed them for the problem. I have seen more people leave WoW wow gold due to this alone than altogether in any other MMO I’ve played. Coupled with the growing awareness of Blizzard’s lack of Customer Service, there is also the lack of creativity that more and more are noticing. With Warhammer Online, Age of Conan and few other titles that are currently in the very early stages (perhaps not even Alpha stages yet?), Blizzard will have to step up and accept their mistakes and fix them (as SOE has done with their Customer Service) or face the fact they are not the king of the gaming world anymore and must share that throne. The most agreed upon reason for WoW’s wow gold success is not that it’s so simple to learn and play (some call it the “Fisher Price’s ‘My First MMO’”), it’s the absolute and total overmarketing that has been done since months before it even went live. Was WoW a great game? Yes, it certainly was. Is WoW still a great a game? From where I sit, and the numbers I see flowing from WoW to other titles, I would have to answer that it’s no longer the best MMO and that many people yyqq1001 remain due to familiarity more than faithfulness.
wow gold
wow gold
wow gold
wow gold
wow gold
Mesajlar: 10
Kayıt: 01 Eki 2009, 09:37

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