WOW game and MMO

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WOW game and MMO

Mesajgönderen vigoss888 tarih 01 Eki 2009, 09:48

WOW game and MMO

Several people hit the nail on the head. WoW is so astoundingly successful still because: 1) it is accessible, both via game mechanics and computer wow gold requirements, to pretty much anyone out there who has purchased a computer in the last 7-8 years (my computer is 7 years old and wasnt even “top of the line,” and I can do anything i wish in WoW) 2) Other developers havent made a game that surpasses WoW wow power leveling. They toss a measly amount of money into making an MMO and expect it to some how tackle a game that is all around better… when has that strat ever worked? consumers arent stupid, we know what we are paying wow gold for and right now WoW is the best. My thoughts on the future is you will see a slow decline from WoW wow gold as we approach the 2nd Xpac, then a slight rekindling, and then after we see a large downturn. (this is assuming no drastic changes are made to the game play) after this you will see the market split for a while between Warhammer and AoC before Blizzard releases its unnamed MMO, or another all around better game appears on the scene. You might even see retroactive movement from players who want to try some of the games they missed while WoW dominated their day. Its good to see that he mentioned EVE as a different type of game, but a model of MMOs that seems to have been forgotten is the skill based like UO. Skill based games wow gold are hard for developers to balance and make fair but UO is one of the few that I have seen. Its subscriptions might be down but it is still running strong enough. UO also has the top down view that seems to have been completely forgotten in all other MMOs. I dont think people will fall for a a “specialized” raiding MMO. Most people wow gold want to do a bit of everything, and WoW does offer this. I have no idea how complex other PvE encounters in other games are, but some in WoW are really nice, and you need some practice to beat them. Can anyone describe what “advanced” stuff in pvE in other games look like? I wonder why nobody has mentioned the biggest selling point of WoW: It is a blizzard game! Everyone knows he won’t be alone when he/she buys it. Believe it or not, I started becaus eit was a blizzard game, I knew it would attract more gamers than anything else, I knew I would play the leading game, and not some underground stuff no one knows or cares. About the TV-ad’s: They dont bring them because mouth propaganda wont work no more, but because they have the money to do it, while other MMO- companies couldn’t do it, yyqq1001 because they can’t spend so huge amounts of money in Ad’s.
wow gold
wow gold
wow gold
wow gold
wow gold
Mesajlar: 10
Kayıt: 01 Eki 2009, 09:37

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